Hi! I’m a gal with southern roots who loves reading, hiking, traveling and UNC basketball (go Heels!). I moved to the Midwest in 2003 for ministry and planted roots with my husband, Mark, son, J, and one cute golden-doodle. My son’s love of nature has led to a menagerie of ducks, geckos, wild animal visitors, and plants too numerous to count rooted in our backyard.

I lived out many longings of my heart during 17 years of full-time ministry with an evangelical organization.
I also wrestled through what it really means to be in relationship with God.
Life was often exhausting and demands were endless. It was easy to let relationship with God become one more thing to do – something that added to the pressure to perform and make it all work.
What I discovered was that God wanted to relate to me in a different way.
I discovered he is more concerned about my heart and the way I relate to him than he is about what I do for him.
I realized he wants me to live with Him and not just for Him. And that he wants to lead me to a place where I can actually enjoy life (which is really enjoying him!).
My life has changed drastically over the last decade as I’ve wrestled through these ideas. I had to come face to face with my focus on religion (and ministry) instead of on God, my driven service instead of my pursuit of God, my desire to please others instead of a desire to please God. I had to learn, instead, that God is faithful not predictable, generous not focused on my efforts, gracious not demanding.
Your life can change too. Busyness and service don’t have to crowd out intimacy with God.
Finding Rhythms Enjoying Life is a space where you will find personal stories so you know you are not alone, practical ideas that are ready to implement, and accessible FREE resources designed to lead you (and those you influence, including children!) into intimacy with God!
My prayer is that you will find inspiration to live as God intended, in intimacy with Him.
I’m looking forward to journeying with you!
Our family serves together in full-time ministry, supported by the gifts of individuals. My husband is a missionary with Child Evangelism Fellowship, and I homeschool our son, create the content you find here, and collaborate with other organizations to develop needed resources.

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I'd love to connect with you! Email me at truthsumwords@gmail.com