3 weeks … 21 days … 504 hours of 2022 have already passed. And where does that time find you? Maybe you’re riding high on the wings of getting things done and carrying out your goals. Or perhaps, you’re wishing you could hide away and hibernate. What about regretting a lack of willpower or self-discipline? […]
My Word for 2021

This is my 5th year doing 1 Word for 1 Year. Each year the process of deciding on a word has been a bit different. If you want to read about how each word was chosen each year, you can find those posts here. This year my word came quickly and unexpectedly. It was early […]
1 Word | 1 Year: Looking Back, Looking Forward

It’s finally “the most wonderful time of the year!” (at least for me) I LOVE the last week of the year and the first week of the next – planning, thinking, reflecting, organizing, preparing. It’s what I thrive on and what comes naturally to me. If it doesn’t for you, no worries! Keep reading for […]
Enjoying Advent! Week 4 – Love

(This post is part 4 of our Enjoying Advent! series. Here’s part 1 on Hope, part 2 on Peace, and Part 3 on Joy if you missed them.) I pray that reflecting on the hope, peace, and joy of Christ’s Advent has made this Christmas season more meaningful to you. This week, we turn our […]
Enjoying Advent! Week 3 – Joy

(This post is part 3 of our Enjoying Advent! series. Here’s part 1 on Hope and part 2 on Peace, if you missed them.) I pray that reflecting on hope and peace during the last two weeks filled your heart so that now you can rejoice in God from the overflow of what he has […]
Enjoying Advent! Week 2 – Peace

(This post is part 2 of our Enjoying Advent! series. Here’s part 1 on Hope, if you missed it.) I pray that reflecting on hope during week 1 filled your heart with the anticipation of the time when every wrong will be made right and all God’s promises will come true! This week, we turn our […]
Enjoying Advent! Week 1 – Hope

Advent, by definition, is a coming into place, or an arrival. Knowing something is on its way creates excitement, longing, expectation, and joy. This was true for the people of Israel as they waited for the arrival of the Messiah. But even though they watched and waited, longed and anticipated, many missed the event when […]
Why We Need to Stand in Awe of God

1 Psalm | 1 Week – Psalm 33 (NLT) Last night I went for a walk with my son. We were comparing the size of immense trees. He noted that one far away tree seemed rather small, but he was sure it was really larger than a huge one we had just stood beside. It […]
Peace in the Midst of Chaos

This devotional thought is part of our weekly email and FB reflections through the book of Psalms. This week’s Psalm fits perfectly with the current state of our world, so I decided to publish it here as well. Find out how you can receive these weekly reflections at the end of this article. 1 Psalm […]
Doubting God’s Good Heart

I love it when God illuminates Scripture in unmistakable ways. Truth becomes crystal clear and deeply meaningful. This happened to me last night while I was out for a walk to clear my head and quiet my heart. I had a productive day with only minor interruptions – which is both remarkable and rare. Unbeknownst […]