Intentional Minutes

3 weeks … 21 days … 504 hours of 2022 have already passed. And where does that time find you?

Maybe you’re riding high on the wings of getting things done and carrying out your goals. Or perhaps, you’re wishing you could hide away and hibernate. What about regretting a lack of willpower or self-discipline? Maybe your answer changes depending on the day, or even the time of the day!

I love January and all its new beginnings and fresh starts. But the reality is that neither my life nor yours is built by the successes or failures of January. They only represent 8% of our life, after all. The way to change your life is to change small things consistently. Minutes add up to hours that add up to days that add up to years.

This is true of our spiritual life as well. Conferences and retreats can fan the flame, but they can’t sustain us long-term. Even weekly church attendance is not enough. Daily time drawing near to God, communicating with him, feasting on his word, abiding in his presence, listening for his voice, is what will cause you to be a different person on December 31 than you are today.

Do you need and idea for something you can do consistently for a few minutes each day to grow closer to Jesus this year? Perfect! Choose an idea below and download the free resources to help you get started.

It’s not too late to make 2022 a year of growth and change. After all you still have 49 weeks … 344 days … 8,256 hours … left of the year! Commit to 10-20 minutes a day of intentional time interacting with God personally in some way. You won’t regret it!

#1 – Meditate on Scripture

I’ve written before about Biblical Meditation and the numerous benefits it has in our lives. You can choose a verse to meditate on during the week, or a longer passage for the month. Or maybe even choose a chapter for the year.

This post will help you choose a Scripture passage and know how to dig into it (and links to a FREE infographic to print as a guide).

Or you could spend a year in Psalm 119 following this plan (includes printable plans and visual verse cards as a FREE download).

#2 – Read through the Bible in a Year

Now before you blow this one off because you’ll already be playing catch up from missing the first three weeks in a year, hear me out 😊 I did this last year using an audio app to track my progress. I mostly stayed on track until late summer / early fall and when I got off course, it was BIG TIME off course!

Around October I decided to just pick back up where I left off and finish the journey through the Bible, even if it took me into 2022. Some days I listened to 2 days worth to catch up at least a bit. By November though, I realized, if I really committed to this, I could actually get it done within the year.

It simply took prioritizing this over other things. I listened to Scripture as I walked, cleaned and drove my car – instead of choosing audiobooks or podcasts. It wasn’t time I really had to “find”, just time I had to use differently. And I finished … with a few days to spare!

This experience showed me how much time there really is in a day and how often it is simply my choices that determine what I prioritize and get done along the way. You DO have enough time to do this … even after missing three weeks!

Pick a version of the Bible you don’t normally read to mix it up a bit. Or choose a different reading plan. I listened through the Bible chronologically which was the first time I had done that and it was very interesting! Choose an app like YouVersion that helps you track your progress through a plan and you’re ready to go!

#3 – Choose a Word for your Year

I started doing this in 2017 and have loved everything about it. While this one might not at first glance seem like a way to draw near God, it can be! Your word can help you listen to what God wants to do in your life related to the word. You can use it to look up Scripture and meditate on related verses. You can find songs related to your word’s idea that help you praise God and find joy in the life he has given you.

This year my word is intentional. I want to be intentional about the small aspects of my day – the minutes that start the day, the things that hold my attention, the way I spend $5 here and $10 there. They don’t really belong to me after all. I am called to steward them in just the same way I steward the bigger parts of my life. Much can be accomplished with those small things!

If you’ve never chosen a word before, here’s a free email course you can move through at your own pace. It’s filled with tips and resources to help you get started.

If you’ve chosen a word and want a print of it to put up somewhere, email me your word and I’ll create one and email it to you!

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