What to do When You Fear the Unknown (like I did this week)

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Innocence. Trust. Living in the moment. Exuberance. Impulsivity. Exploration. Settledness. These are characteristics exhibited by my four-year-old this week as he played outside and accompanied me on errands this week. Awareness. Fear. Reclusiveness. Being on guard. Reservation. Measuredness. Hesitation. These were my feelings and emotions in the midst of those same activities. There were perfectly […]

Practice Biblical Meditation & Quiet the Noise in Your Mind

Biblical Meditation - Part 1

Take 1 minute and write down everything that’s filled your mind today. No, really, do it! To-do list items, random passing thoughts, decisions that have to be made, obstacles to overcome, relationships that need work, heartaches weighing you down, anything at all that you thought about. (Just make sure you set a timer or you […]