This is my 5th year doing 1 Word for 1 Year. Each year the process of deciding on a word has been a bit different. If you want to read about how each word was chosen each year, you can find those posts here. This year my word came quickly and unexpectedly. It was early […]
one word one year
1 Word | 1 Year: Looking Back, Looking Forward

It’s finally “the most wonderful time of the year!” (at least for me) I LOVE the last week of the year and the first week of the next – planning, thinking, reflecting, organizing, preparing. It’s what I thrive on and what comes naturally to me. If it doesn’t for you, no worries! Keep reading for […]
My Word for 2020

We’re only 10 days in to the New Year, and I’m already loving my word! Of course, I started thinking about it here and there back in October. It was late November or early December when I knew for sure “nourish” was it. So, I’ve been anticipating its influence for a few weeks now. If […]
Abundance Starts Small

Abundance is my One Word for One Year this year. God continues to use the natural world to teach me much about this word. Here are my key observations from the summer: #1 – Abundance is natural when the conditions are right. #2 – Abundance does not discriminate. #3 – Abundance is not under my […]
Abundance in Nature and in Life

Abundance is my One Word for One Year this year. As I wrote before, I didn’t choose this word for a particular reason. In fact, I had a different word picked out. But God quietly whispered this word to me in January, and I accepted. I’ve noticed abundance in ways I wouldn’t have without focusing […]
My Word for 2019

You know that phrase, “The best laid plans”? That’s my story for my One Word for One Year this year. Some of you may have read at the end of 2018 that I planned to continue my word from 2018 (grace) into this new year. I knew there was still much to dig into related […]
Internalize Psalm 119 in 10 Minutes a Day

2019 is finally here! Well, almost, anyway. I’ve anticipated 2019’s arrival for two years now, which probably sounds a bit odd. Let me explain. From the time I was a young girl, I have loved Psalm 119. It occupies the center of the biblical text and its sheer length makes it a novelty. Every section […]
Reflecting On A Summer That Didn’t Go As Planned

Have you ever had a season of life where nothing went as planned or hoped? That was my summer! I had plans to play with my boy and enjoy long daylights. Instead, I spent much of it inside in a prone position. I hoped for a lightness to encompass these days where schedules are more […]
Grace or Control (you can’t have both)

Grace and control. Two words that can’t coexist. Two words that reveal the priorities of our heart. Two words that we would do well to consider. These two ideas bring conflict to my heart nearly every night as I put my son to bed. What is it with little kids (and maybe big ones too – […]
Fingerprints of Grace: Psalm 27

I’ve loved this Psalm for a while now. It’s been a solace and refuge over the years. But not until recently have I seen it as a Psalm that is filled with grace. You won’t actually find the word “grace” anywhere in it, but its fingerprints are everywhere. I think the reason I see grace […]