My Word for 2019

1 Word 1 Year 2019 Header

You know that phrase, “The best laid plans”? That’s my story for my One Word for One Year this year.

Some of you may have read at the end of 2018 that I planned to continue my word from 2018 (grace) into this new year. I knew there was still much to dig into related to grace. And I sensed God still wanted to do things in my heart related to it.

Because of this, I didn’t give my word another thought. I still had books to read related to grace and Scripture I hadn’t exhausted in 2018. I was ready to keep rolling right along.

Until the first week January. I’m not really sure what happened. I do remember that I was sitting at my desk. But I’m not sure what I was working on. All of a sudden, the word “abundance” was in my mind and heart. I tried to sort through why it was there or what it meant, but nothing significant came to mind.

I didn’t forget the moment, but also didn’t rush to do anything with it. In the course of the next two weeks this word came up A LOT. A friend prayed the word over me. A Sunday School lesson zeroed in on this idea. It started showing up in other Scripture I read (without me searching for it). My birthday even brought with it an abundance of snow (fifteen inches!), play and laughter.

Snow Pictures

Pretty soon I was on high alert, so to speak, wondering what God was up to. Towards the end of January, it was obvious God was trying to get my attention with this word. As I reflected, I realized that while my study of grace wasn’t over, it wasn’t the word God wanted me to sit with this year. He has something new to shape into my heart and life this year with this word, abundance.

And so, I’m ready to see where he takes me! There are at least three areas that I want to specifically think through related to this word.

Abundance Related to Time

Abundance Related to Money

Abundance Related to God’s Nature

Abundance Related to Time

I was already reading 168 Hours by Laura Vanderkam (affiliate link*) when I realized abundance was my word for the year. Her basic premise is that there is more than enough time in every week to do everything that you need, and even want, to do. Sound to good to be true? That’s what I thought!

I’ve finished the book and I will say she has a compelling perspective. She’s a proponent of 7-9 hours of sleep a night – yes! And having time to do what’s meaningful, not just necessary.

The best way to evaluate where you are from her perspective, is to log your 168 hours and then actually see where your time goes. Hard data can be compared to goals and priorities and your use of time can be modified as desired. I’m logging away this week and next!

The idea of having an abundance of time is novel for me at this stage of life. Managing home, raising a preschooler, serving, working from home, and having time to breathe usually seem like competitors for my time.

But what if there really is not just enough, but more than enough? Sounds delightful! I’m in!

Abundance Related to Money

In case you’re wondering, no, I’m not looking to get rich this year. But I do want to be aware of God’s abundant provision.  It’s not a certain income level or owning certain possessions. But it is having money left over at the end of the month when you thought there wouldn’t be. It is God taking what you do have and letting it stretch further than you thought possible.

Case in point. I ran into Wal-Mart last week. I needed one spice and toothpaste. While leaving the spice aisle I spied the gluten-free section and remembered I needed to restock J’s stash of snacks at church. I looked over the options and found a snack on clearance. Perfect! As I started to leave, I noticed another clearance tag and then another. At least 1/3 of the items were on clearance, maybe more.

I put everything back on a shelf, went to get a basket and stocked up. GF pasta for 75 cents? Yes, please! Pancake mix, soy sauce, animal cookies, graham crackers and more! My basket was full and my heart happy. As I headed to the other side of the store for toothpaste, God whispered, “See? Abundance!”

This is the perspective I want to have with money. That God abundantly provides with whatever amount we actually have. I think I spent about $15 and have food that we will use for the next couple of months. God can easily make much out of little!

Abundance Related to God’s Nature

This one excites me most right now, I think. Extravagance is a synonym for abundance. So is generosity. We serve a God who is abundant, extravagant and generous towards us. He showed us this in a big way through his gift of salvation. What’s more extravagant than redeeming the very ones who turned against you?

But God’s extravagance wasn’t a one-time deal. This is his nature. This is part of who he is. Daily. In every aspect of life. In the way he relates to us. In the gifts he doles out. In the promises he keeps. I’m looking forward to knowing this aspect of him better this year!

Going Forward

I’m sure there will be other areas of life that are impacted by this word abundance. That’s the beauty of sitting with one word for an entire year. It sinks into your mind and heart. It permeates all you do. It gives you a new perspective and lens through which to view every other part of life.

The other beauty is that I don’t have to figure out where this word will take me. I don’t have to write out or plan specific goals or results. God does that part! He knows what he wants to do in me. My role is to let him do it. To cooperate with him. To allow time and space to meditate on his truth. He’ll take care of the rest!

Already have a word for 2019? I’d love to know what it is! Comment below or email me directly!

Want to do One Word for One Year? Check out the One Word for One Year series of posts for other help and inspiration.

*As a reminder, I have an affiliate program with Amazon. This means they pay me a small percentage of anything purchased through a link from my site to theirs. The price for you is not affected at all. So, basically, I can earn a small amount by simply doing the work of linking you directly to great products and shortening your shopping time. Win, win!

6 Replies to “My Word for 2019”

  1. I’m totally breaking all the rules by having three words! For me they are all very much tied together. Rest. Rejoice. Relinquish.

    1. Love this trio of words! One of the things I love about One Word for One Year is there aren’t a lot of rules. I’ve heard of people doing phrases before. Find what you need and do it!

  2. Yolanda Derstine says: Reply

    My word is transform. I’m looking forward to what God will do in me this year.

    1. Excited to see the transformation too 🙂

  3. Hi Carol,

    There you go again!! A home run. Your writing is just excellent and down to “earth” as from the Heavens. Keep up the good work. Hope to see you in March while in MO.

    1. How kind. Would love to see you next month!

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