4-Week Children’s Devotional
As I’ve sung and listened to Christmas carols this month, I’ve been struck with the number of times the title of King is used. It’s probably on my radar a bit more since I just wrote this devotional! But it’s caused me to realize this point is one of the wondrous truths of Christmas – Christ the King humbled himself to become man. How that truth should thrill our hearts, cause us to stand in awe of his great love and lead us to bend our knees in worship.
As a gift to you, for December only, I’d like to give you a free download of this children’s devotional. My prayer is that it would help children relate to God as King, understand his good heart that can be trusted and show his kingdom through their daily lives. (You can read more about the devotional below.)
If you’re already a subscriber, look for an email sent on December 14th with a link to the download.
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Devotional Description
God is sovereign over all, but he doesn’t show off his power or use it in wrong ways. He is a good King with a good heart and his goodness overflows to all who are a part of his kingdom. There are so many benefits to having God as King!
Children need to understand that God has the right to be in charge because he is the creator. They need to see how God’s kingdom differs from earthly kingdoms. Once these truths fill their hearts and minds, they can show others what God’s kingdom is like! They can ask God for his kingdom to come and to be seen in the people and places around them. This is the goal of this book!
The daily and weekly activities in this devotional are designed to help children relate to God as King and reveal him to those around them.
Daily Topics include:
- God Reigns as King
- God is the Sovereign King
- God is the Eternal King
- God’s Heart is Good
- God’s Works are Great
- God’s Ways are True
- My Heart Sings to My Good King
- Jesus is King
- The Gift of the Kingdom
- A Kingdom for Children
- A Prayer for God’s Kingdom in Your Life
God is My King! helps children understand God’s role as King and relate to him in this way.
Subscribers, log in to the Free Resource Library to download 3 days of these devotionals! Not a subscriber? Join today!
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Reading Level: 3rd Grade
Suggested Age Group: 7-11 years old (or younger with adult help)
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Bonus Leader’s Guide also available!
This guide prepares you for a 10-15-minute weekly conversation with the child. The emphasis is to provide support and encouragement as the child pursues a personal relationship with God. Each weekly guide includes prompts for:
- Understanding the Content
- Asking a Question
- Telling a Personal Story
- Praying Over the Child