Shaped Like Clay by God, the Creator

Creator - Potter Header

Have you ever watched a potter working with clay? It’s mesmerizing.  And amazing. The clay gives to the slightest pressure. It molds and forms under the watchful eye and expert hands of the potter.

This is the image the Bible gives of God (the potter) and us (the clay).

But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand. (Isaiah 64:8 ESV)

Have you considered how expertly God made you? He imagined what he wanted you to be and then he made you just that way! God didn’t make one mistake when he made you. You bring God joy exactly the way you are!

The same is true of the children you parent and teach. They were each shaped like clay in God’s hands. Each is different, unique, and perfect in every way.

various clay pots

The easy accessibility of social media and impossible media standards can easily lead us (and our children) to think we are less beautiful, less talented, less athletic… simply “less than” others. This leads to dissatisfaction in many areas of life.

But that’s not God’s intent. God designed each person just as he did for a purpose. He doesn’t make mistakes. He is a master potter. He carefully shaped you and your child(ren) just as you are.

As you take time to consider how God made you and why he made you that way, you can begin to accept God’s beautiful design, give praise to your potter, and help your children do the same!

God is My Creator! Children’s Devotional

The above truths are found throughout the Week 3 devotionals of God is My Creator! You can download one full day of these devotionals to use to begin to teach these truths to the children around you.

I’d also highly encourage you to interact with your child about the content. Don’t just give them the pages and leave them to do it. Instead, take time to love and encourage them, share your story, listen to them, and pray over them.

Here are some helps from the accompanying FREE downloadable Leader’s Guide to help you do just that!

Watch a Video:

Show your children what a potter working on a wheel looks like. Here’s a short one you might enjoy.

Ask a Question:

Look at what the child circled in the final activity for words that describe her. Talk about why she enjoys those things and how these things reflect God’s special care in making her.

Tell a Personal Story:

Tell the child about a time when you questioned the way God made you, and how God helped you accept yourself the way God designed you.

Pray Over the Child:

Use Isaiah 64:8 to acknowledge God as the potter and you and your child(ren) as the clay. Praise God for the way he formed you all. Ask God to help you all love the person he has made you to be.

Download one day of the devotional now!

Watch for one more post at the end of this week outlining the last week of devotional content and providing one more ready to use idea to help children know and love their Creator God, better!

Missed the first two posts? Check them out now and find other FREE downloads!

Helping Children Wonder at God, the Creator

Marvelously Made by God, the Creator

God is My Creator! Front Cover

God is My Creator! is available today, and will be on sale for 20% off for the month of March!

    • Both the digital version AND amazon printed version are on sale!
    • Subscribers, be sure to check your email to find an additional sales code you can use this month on a digital file purchase!

Want to get the discount code? Join today!


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